Why Is There a Debt Crisis Among Young People?

Young people in the United Kingdom have a lot of debt, which is not a secret. Many things have led to this problem, such as rising unemployment, rising living costs, high college costs, and a lack of financial literacy. Here we will try to find out why young people have so much debt and what …

What are the changes by the government on student borrowing?

In today’s times, there are numerous students who are going up for student loans. It may be tough for these students to fund their own studies. Hence, they choose to study and earn simultaneously. Once you get a student loan, you have to repay it on time. These situations often attract many consequences. Also, students …

How Much Money Should Parents Spend on University Education?

The UK government has incorporated “parental contribution” as part of university student finances. Also, the burden of the maintenance loan and tuition loan falls on the undergraduate or postgraduate student.   A student must start payments after finishing or leaving a course and accruing a specific amount as income. The tuition fees loan helps to …